Working Alongside Amber Holte

Second photographing for Amber Holte LLC in the 2021-2022 season.

Minneapolis, Minnesota

I got the amazing opportunity to work again with Amber Holte, second photographing for another wedding season. 2021-2022 season was wild, fun and exciting. With over twenty-five weddings just this season, I got to meet so many fantastic couples and wedding parties working with Amber Holte LLC.

The crazy part about having so many weddings is that it truly all goes so fast.

I remember sometimes we get back in the car after a ten-hour timeline, and Amber would say, “Didn’t that go so fast?”

Every couple is different. This is in the way they act, how they go about their wedding excitement, and how they are celebrating. What I love about working with Amber is that I notice the variety of couples she receives. While some are more daring, willing to literally hike trails in heels, other brides are perfectly fine with being on the side of grass or pavement. The best part is learning how to accommodate to all situations.

And weather. Ooh.

Surprisingly, I have never photographed in the rain until this season with Amber. I don’t know, I think now that maybe I have just been lucky with weather conditions.

However, I think that Amber is the most prepared person I know.

She carries at least one umbrella in her car at all times, and on the days it did say it were to rain, she brings more. In addition to this, she brings items I would not even have thought of, and now that I’ve worked with her, here are some items to bring to weddings to use for brides, or anyone, for that matter, in the wedding party. …Because, you never know.

  • First aid kit
  • Mini sewing kit
  • Extra pins for boutonnieres
  • White out for stains
  • Umbrellas
  • Extra snacks

I love a queen that comes prepared.

Now, for the magic that I got to second photograph because of Amber Holte!

Thank You

The fact is that I am forever grateful to second photograph for Amber Holte because I barely had experience in weddings before working with her. Now, I’ve photographed over fifty weddings, including weddings from my first season with her 2019-2020. I know she is going to do great things with her business. This year, Amber Holte LLC is growing a team and is hiring! I HIGHLY recommend applying because I loved working with her. We built a good friendship too, and I think that is important to have in the photography industry.

That said, she trusted me to go off alone with a party once at a Minneapolis bar, and some of these images were my favorites in the wedding season. Mike and Michelle trusted new ideas I had and went for it.

Biggest thank you to Amber Holte LLC and all the improvements I made this year! My experiences second photographing have made me a better photographer, and Natalie Tyler Photography a better business!

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